Agency Partners

The Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities (FCBDD) is proud of its many partnerships with other organizations in Franklin County. Some have partnerships with the Board, while others contract with the state for certain services for individuals living in Franklin County.

Following is a list of some of the Board’s partners. For a complete listing of providers contracting with the state, go to the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities website .


Action for Children

Add (Association for the Developmentally Disabled)

Alvis, Inc.

ARC Industries, Inc.

Boundless, Inc.

Catholic Social Services

Childhood League

Children’s Center for Developmental Enrichment (Oakstone Academy)

Columbus Metropolitan Library

Columbus City Schools

Creative Housing, Inc.

Easter Seals of Central & Southeast Ohio

Epilepsy Foundation

Franklin County Board of Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Services (ADAMH)

Franklin County Children’s Cabinet

Franklin County Children’s Services

Franklin County Family and Children’s First Council

Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services

Franklin Management Resources

Franklin County School Districts

Furniture Bank of Central Ohio

Goodwill Columbus

Head Start

Help Me Grow

Heinzerling Memorial Foundation

Heritage Day Health Centers

Jewish Community Center

Life Town/ OSU Chabad House

Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Nisonger Center, The Ohio State University

O.S.U. College of Education

Supported Living Providers

The Learning Spectrum