Mother strives to keep services, stability for daughter

Rowena Gonzales holds the hand of her daughter Jackie
Jackie was born with CHARGE syndrome, a genetic condition that causes birth defects. She is blind now and likes to be close to her mom.

If she could, Rowena Gonzales would fund a mobile hospital in her native Philippines and use it to reach families who can’t afford care for children born with developmental disabilities.“We could go all over and see who needs help,” she said.Gonzales knows that in poor countries, the quest for care and support for people with …

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Caring for kids and families, one smile at a time

Dr. Diego Solis in the dental clinic with three staff members
Dr. Diego Solis says he's lucky to work with an awesome staff at the Johnstown clinic. From left, Erica Robles, Stacey Stevens, Gloria Caicedo and Dr. Diego.

At 10 years old, Diego Solis climbed into a dentist’s chair and had a tooth filled for the first time. He doesn’t recall being upset or frightened. In fact, the memory is a happy one.“I loved it,” he said. “Everything went great.”Solis soon decided he’d like to fix teeth, too. He stuck to that childhood …

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Nationwide Children’s ECHO program supports families of kids with autism

Nationwide Children’s Hospital is helping parents and caregivers of children with autism connect with resources and information that lead to better support. From navigating a diagnosis to learning about new therapies, parents and caregivers of children with autism need an immense amount of knowledge and support in order to provide the best care to their …

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Robots ready to lend a hand

Robot with a smiling woman on the display screen
Temi personal robots have built-in smart display and can follow commands.

Starting in November, personal robots will be rolling around two sites in Franklin County as part of a technology pilot through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities.The temi robots are about 3 feet tall and look a little like Segways with iPads. One is headed to a community home whose residents receive services from the …

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DSP honored for life-saving care

Romana Mutai holding award next to Bethany Toledo
OADSP Executive Director Bethany Toledo, left, congratulates Romana Mutai, the alliance's DSP of the Year

We’re happy to congratulate Romana Mutai, a Columbus direct-support professional who recently won the first “DSP of the Year” award from the Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Professionals.Mutai was honored for providing quick, life-saving care when a woman unexpectedly gave birth at a home. Bethany Toledo, OADSP executive director, said Mutai’s actions inspired the creation …

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October board meeting

The October meeting of the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities will be held on Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021 beginning at 5 p.m. The meeting will be held at 2879 Johnstown Rd., where board members will meet in person. The meeting also will be live on Zoom for anyone who would like to attend virtually. …

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