Category: News and Stories

Jed Morison ends long, happy career in FCBDD leadership

December 29th, 2023 by

Jed Morison first appeared in Dateline 45 years ago. The inaugural issue, printed during the snowy February of 1978, identified him in two ways: Morison was “the administrative assistant who helps decide when schools should be closed due to bad weather,” and also the point of contact for readers “to send us your comments, suggestions, …

Please complete the FCBDD community survey

December 18th, 2023 by

Periodically, the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities assesses community needs and services provided by the agency. Individuals who are served, families, staff, service providers, volunteers, advocates, collaborative agencies, and the public are encouraged to take a few minutes to compete and respond to this survey. Your response assists the board in its efforts to …

Advocates work to educate about supported decision-making

December 1st, 2023 by

A network of Ohio self-advocates, families and professionals has launched a website and is holding monthly meetings to help raise awareness of supported decision-making. The Supported Decision-Making Network of Ohio says the aim is to empower people with developmental disabilities to direct their own lives to the greatest extent possible by selecting people who, when …

FCBDD names Dot Yeager Superintendent/CEO

November 16th, 2023 by

Dot Yeager, current Chief Business Officer, will be the next Superintendent/CEO for the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities starting Jan. 1, 2024. Yeager succeeds Jed Morison, who is retiring at the end of December after a 54-year career in public service. Yeager has worked alongside Morison for the past 21 years. Board members unanimously …

Becky Love to retire after 50 years of service to children and families

November 6th, 2023 by

Even after so long, Becky Love says, the days still don’t feel like work. There has always been so much to do and share and learn – and so many staff members on board with the mission – that it all seems more joy than job. “It’s been good,” said Love, who is retiring at …

Voiceover artist with autism strives to put his talent to work

October 18th, 2023 by

Hunter Primmer was just 2 years old when he discovered that he could captivate his family – and himself – by changing his voice. The characters, dialects and scripts have been flowing ever since. “It’s a lot of fun,” said Primmer, 25. “I love it.” Primmer, who markets himself as ‘Hunter P Voice,’ has autism. …

Advocates invited to join Central Ohio Self Determination Association

September 22nd, 2023 by

The Central Ohio Self Determination Association recently hosted a kickoff gathering and is working to re-activate its regional self-advocacy work. The group, a part of the Ohio Self Determination Association, had paused events during the pandemic. Meetings are now planned for every other month and are open to central Ohio residents with developmental disabilities who …

Best Buddies Citizens seeking Franklin County friendship matches

September 22nd, 2023 by

Would you like get involved in the community and help make central Ohio more inclusive? Best Buddies is accepting applications for Best Buddies Citizens in Franklin County, a program that pairs an adult with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) in a one-to-one friendship with an adult without IDD from their local community. The Franklin …

OSU students host painting program for teens, adults with disabilities

September 21st, 2023 by

Palette Pals, a new student organization at the Ohio State University, is inviting teens and adults with developmental disabilities to take part in a free, recreational art program. Organizer Kaitlin Herman said the aim is to create interaction among OSU students, people with developmental disabilities and their families, while empowering the creativity of the disabilities …

Open Door art exhibition celebrates life, work of Wallace Peck

September 6th, 2023 by

Drawing and painting make Wallace Peck happy. His art makes other people happy, too. Sometimes so much so that they laugh and cry. Peck notices this, of course. But he’s more likely to take the emotional reactions in stride than to puzzle over them. Peck just enjoys basking in the connections between him, his viewers …