For additional information on recreational services or to volunteer to assist with these programs, call the FCBDD Recreation Department at 614-342-5989.

In 2016, I was a college intern for the Franklin County Special Olympics program where I fell in love with Special Olympics and its athletes. Upon graduating in 2017, I worked for ARC Industries as a …

I started with Franklin County back in 2007 as a bus driver. I drove routes that took adults and children to day programs. In 2016 I began driving the bus for Franklin County Special Olympics. I picked athletes …

Andrea began working for Franklin County Special Olympics Program and Recreation Programs in June of 1986. While working for two programs was both challenging and rewarding, Andrea’s organizational skills quickly became evident. When the Recreation …

Mike Butchko joined Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities in 1988 after a couple years in residential. After a quick stint at McDowell Road, Mike spent the next 25 years with Franklin County Recreation. Some of Mike’s …

Ryan Phillips, Director, joined the Flyers team in November 2008. Prior to his start with Franklin County Special Olympics he was the Midwest Regional Manager of Communication and Development for Rails-to-Trails Conservancy…